Thursday, January 12, 2012

Korean Food...where have you been all my life?

Around lunch time I was talking to my amazing husband and I asked him if he had any bright ideas for dinner. Well, he knew that I am really busy this week and suggested that we go out...somewhere that we have never been. We ended up at a nondescript Vietnamese/Thai/Chinese place that wasn't bad...but unremarkable. We had some springrolls and some Pho with beef. In the midst of this, Scott mentioned that he had seen something on the Food Network about Korean food and he was really interested in trying Korean food. So...I plugged it into my phone and one of the results in our area was Chosun Korean BBQ. So, after ourVietnamese soup and spring rolls, we were on our way.

Once we got there and started looking at the menu, we told the waiter what we liked and asked for his suggestions. He recommended a combo of spicy pork and beef short ribs that was accompanied by six side dishes. Did I mention that the tables have grills built into them? Yes, the rib meat (cut off of the bone, perfectly seasoned and marbled) and the thinly sliced pork butt was cooked at our table along with some mushrooms, onions, and garlic cloves. Served with the meat was a bowl of rice for each, kimchi (cabbage and cucumber, spelling?), fried tofu, fish cakes, bean sprouts, and steamed egg. As different that these side dishes seem, they all were really remarkably and worked together.

This was such a memorable dining experience. The beef was tender and favorable...the pork was spicy and so delicious. All was served with bean paste and lettuce leaves to make wraps.

We have never had the privilege to enjoy this type of cuisine before and can't really attest to the authenticity. But we can say, that this experience is one that we will recommend and one that we want to experience again...soon.

Did I mention that I got to do this with my best friend?

Chosun Korean BBQ

Scott's comments:
Carmen really captured the essence of our evening, which was just a fantastic dining experience. It's not that we were unhappy with Babo Terriyaki , but it was somewhat unsatisfying, so we ventured out to find this Korean BBQ place. What a fantastic place!

The waiter was very informative and helped us with what to order to eat, as well as what to order for our beverages. They had beer and a Korean whiskey which was made from grains like normal whiskey, but also fermented spirits from Sweet potato which gave it a slightly sweet flavor, yet very clean and crisp. It was perfect with the flavors of the spicy pork and the flavors of the beef.

The overall experience was enjoyable because the waiter cooked the meat, onion, garlic and mushroom right there at the table for us, while not being too intrusive. The beef was perfectly cooked along with the onion, and garlic; and the pork was spiced and cooked beautifully with jalapeno, onion, and other spices. We eat at alot of fine places, and this was one of the best dining experiences we have ever had! One of the things that was "icing on the cake" was the fact that we started looking around and above the door was a plaque that had the Joshua 24:16b passage that says, "But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." AWESOME!

We highly recommend Chosun and will be visiting this fine establishment many more times in the future!